


1. 預訂住宿 (Booking Accommodation)

→預訂飯店或民宿 (Booking a Hotel or Airbnb)


I’d like to book a room for two nights, please.


I’d like to book a double room for two people from July 15th to July 20th, please.


I’d like to reserve a suite with a sea view for a week starting next month.


I’d like to book a single room for one night, please.


I’d like to book two connecting rooms for a family of four from August 1st to August 7th.

(我想為四口之家預訂兩間連通房,入住日期是 8 月 1 日,退房日期是 8 月 7 日。)

I’d like to reserve a luxury suite for a weekend stay.


→查詢訂房詳情 (Inquiring about Reservation Details)


What’s the nightly rate for this room?


Could you please provide information about the room rates and whether breakfast is included?


What is your cancellation policy in case I need to change my plans?


Can you tell me if there is free Wi-Fi available in the rooms?

(請問客房內是否有免費 Wi-Fi?)

Could you please let me know if the hotel offers airport shuttle service?


What amenities are included with the room?


→更改預訂 (Changing Reservations)


I need to change my reservation to a different date.


I previously booked a single room for the 10th of August, but I need to change it to the 12th. Is that possible?


I’d like to extend my stay by three additional nights. Can you help me with that?


Is it possible to upgrade my reservation to a larger room?


I need to cancel my reservation. How do I proceed?


I initially booked a room with a city view, but I’d like to change it to a sea view. Is that possible?


→到達與登記入住 (Arriving and Checking In)

I’d like to check in, please. My reservation is under the name [Your Name].

(我想登記入住,我的預訂是在 [你的名字] 名下。)

What time is check-in?


Is there any parking available for guests?


Could I get an extra key card, please?


→住宿期間的需求與問題 (During the Stay: Requests and Issues)

Could I have some extra towels, please?


The air conditioning in my room doesn’t seem to be working. Can someone come and check it?


Is it possible to get a wake-up call at 7 AM tomorrow?

(可以安排明天早上 7 點的叫醒服務嗎?)

Where is the nearest convenience store?


→登記退房 (Checking Out)

I’d like to check out, please. Could I get a copy of the final bill?


Can I leave my luggage here until my flight this evening?


Could you call a taxi for me, please?


Could you please arrange a late check-out for us?


→投訴與反饋 (Complaints and Feedback)

I have a complaint about the noise level in my room.


The service in the restaurant was excellent. I’d like to leave a positive review.


The cleanliness of the room was not up to standard. I’d like to speak to the manager.


→特殊請求 (Special Requests)

I have a severe allergy to nuts. Could you please make a note of that for the kitchen staff?


We are celebrating our anniversary. Is there anything special you can arrange for us?


2. 搭乘交通工具 (Taking Transportation)

→機場接送 (Airport Transfers)


I’ve booked an airport transfer to my hotel.


I’ve arranged for airport pickup when I land at 3:00 PM. Where should I meet the driver?


I need an airport transfer to my hotel. My flight arrives at 9:30 PM.


Could you confirm my airport transfer booking, please?


How much does the airport shuttle service cost?


Is there a shuttle service from the hotel to the airport, and how often does it run?


→公共交通 (Public Transportation)


How do I get to the city center by subway or bus?


How do I get to the city center from the airport using public transportation?


Can you point me in the direction of the nearest subway station?


What’s the best way to get to the train station from here?


Where can I buy a ticket for the bus?


Could you tell me which bus goes to the downtown area?


Is there a direct train to the beach, or do I need to transfer?


→租車 (Renting a Car)


I’d like to rent a car for a week, please.


I’d like to rent a compact car with GPS for two weeks. Do you have any available?


What documents do I need to provide to rent a car, and what’s the daily rental rate?


What are the insurance options available when renting a car?


Are there any additional fees I should be aware of when renting a car?


Can I return the car to a different location from where I picked it up?


Do you offer any discounts for weekly or monthly rentals?


→計程車與共乘服務 (Taxi and Ride-Sharing Services)

Could you call a taxi for me, please?


How much does it typically cost to get to the airport by taxi?


Where is the designated pick-up point for ride-sharing services?


Can I pay for the taxi ride with a credit card?


→自行車租借 (Bicycle Rentals)

I’d like to rent a bicycle for the day. How much does it cost?


Are there any bike rental shops nearby?


Do you provide helmets and locks with the bike rental?


Can I return the bike to a different location?


3. 用餐餐廳 (Dining in Restaurants)

→預訂餐廳 (Making Restaurant Reservations)


I’d like to make a reservation for two at 7:00 PM.

(我想預訂晚上 7:00 的兩人座位。)

I’d like to make a reservation for four people at your restaurant for this Saturday night at 8:00 PM.


We plan to dine tomorrow evening before 8:00 PM. Can you accommodate us?


Can I make a reservation for a party of six for tomorrow night at 7:30 PM?

(我可以預訂明天晚上 7:30,六個人的位子嗎?)

Do you have any availability for a table of four this Friday evening?


I’d like to reserve a table by the window for two people at 6:00 PM.

(我想預訂一個靠窗的兩人桌,時間是晚上 6:00。)

Is it possible to reserve a private dining room for a business meeting next Wednesday?


→點菜 (Ordering)


I’ll have the steak, medium-rare, please.


I’d like to start with a Caesar salad and then have the seafood linguine, please.


Could I have the vegetarian option, but without any onions or garlic, please?


Could I see the menu, please?


I’ll have the grilled salmon with a side of vegetables, please.


Can I get the soup of the day and a glass of house white wine?


I’d like to order the chicken curry, but can you make it less spicy?


→投訴或稱讚 (Complaining or Complimenting)


The service was excellent, and the food was delicious.


 I wanted to let you know that the service tonight was outstanding, and the dessert was truly delightful.


I’m sorry, but the steak I ordered is overcooked, and I requested it to be medium-rare.


Excuse me, but there seems to be a mistake with my order. I ordered the vegetarian pasta, not the beef steak.


The food was fantastic, but the service was a bit slow tonight.


I’m very impressed with the quality of the dishes. Please give my compliments to the chef.


The dessert was too sweet for my taste. Could you offer a different option?


→支付與小費 (Paying and Tipping)


Can I have the bill, please?


Do you accept credit cards?


Is service included in the bill, or should I leave a tip separately?


I’d like to split the bill, please.


→特殊要求 (Special Requests)

Do you have a children’s menu?


Can you accommodate a gluten-free diet?


We are celebrating a birthday. Do you offer any special arrangements or desserts?


Could you please provide a high chair for my child?


4. 購物 (Shopping)

→詢問價格 (Inquiring about Prices)


Can you tell me how much this jacket costs?


Is this item on sale, and if so, what is the discounted price?


Are there any seasonal sales or discounts happening right now?


→交涉 (Negotiating)


I’m interested in buying these two items. Can you give me a discount?


I’m considering purchasing this camera. Is there room for negotiation on the price?


If I buy this set of jewelry, can you offer a better deal?


If I pay in cash, can you give me a better price?


Can you offer a discount if I buy in bulk?


Is there any room for negotiation on this furniture set?


→購物小貼士 (Shopping Tips)


Where can I find the best deals on electronics?


Which local shops are known for authentic souvenirs?


Could you recommend the best shopping areas in the city for local products?


Do you have any advice on which brands are known for high-quality goods in this market?


What’s the best time of day to shop at the local markets for fresh produce?


→詢問商品詳細信息 (Inquiring About Product Details)

Can you tell me more about the features of this smartphone?


What materials are used to make this jacket?


Is this watch water-resistant, and to what depth?


Do these shoes come in different colors or sizes?


→詢問退換貨政策 (Asking About Return and Exchange Policies)

What is your return policy if I’m not satisfied with the product?


Can I exchange this item if it doesn’t fit?


How many days do I have to return this product?


Is there a restocking fee for returned items?


5. 旅遊景點 (Visiting Tourist Attractions)

→購票和入場 (Buying Tickets and Admission)


I’d like two tickets for the museum, please.


We’d like to purchase tickets for the art gallery. How much does it cost for two adults and one child?


Can I get admission tickets for the science museum for tomorrow afternoon?


Do you offer any discounts for students or seniors?


Can I buy tickets online, or do I have to purchase them at the entrance?


What are the opening hours for the zoo?


Are there any additional fees for special exhibits or shows?


→尋求導覽 (Seeking Guided Tours)


Are there guided tours available in Chinese?


Are there guided tours available in Chinese for the historic district?


We’d like to explore the castle with a guided tour. Is there a Chinese-speaking guide available?


What time does the next guided tour start?


Is there an extra charge for the guided tour?


Can we join the guided tour midway through?


How long does the guided tour of the cathedral last?


→問路 (Asking for Directions)


How do I get to the Eiffel Tower from here?


How can I get to the central square from here?


Could you please give me directions to the botanical garden?


Is it within walking distance from here?


Is there a subway station nearby, and how much is a one-way ticket to the museum?


Which bus or train should I take to get to the aquarium?


How far is the national park from the city center?


→了解景點資訊 (Inquiring About Attractions)

What are the must-see attractions in this city?


Is there a recommended route to see all the major landmarks?


Are there any hidden gems or off-the-beaten-path places worth visiting?


What’s the best time of day to visit the monument to avoid crowds?


→請求幫助 (Asking for Assistance)

Can you help me take a photo in front of this landmark?


Where is the information center?


Are there lockers or storage facilities available at this attraction?


Is there a place nearby where I can rest and have a snack?


6. 緊急情況 (Emergency Situations)

→求助 (Seeking Help)


I’ve lost my passport, and I need assistance. Can you please direct me to the nearest embassy?


I’ve encountered a travel emergency. Is there a consulate I can contact for help?


I need help immediately. Can you assist me?


Is there an emergency hotline I can call for assistance?


I’ve been robbed. Can you help me contact the authorities?


→醫療情況 (Medical Situations)


I need to see a doctor. Is there a hospital nearby?


Is there a pharmacy nearby where I can get some medicine?


I’m feeling very dizzy and unwell. Can you help me find a medical center?


I have a severe allergy. Where is the nearest emergency room?


My son has a high fever, and I’m worried. Can you recommend a pediatrician or a clinic we can visit?


My friend has a medical issue, and we require immediate medical assistance. Can you call an ambulance?


→聯絡當地警察 (Contacting Local Police)


I need to report a lost wallet. Can you help me find the local police station?


There’s been a minor accident, and we need to contact the local police for assistance.


I witnessed an accident. How do I report it to the police?


Someone stole my bag. Where is the nearest police station?


Can you help me file a police report?


→尋求庇護或避難 (Seeking Shelter or Refuge)

Is there a safe place I can stay for the night?


Can you recommend a shelter for emergency situations?


Is there a local crisis center I can go to for help?


→尋找緊急聯絡人 (Finding Emergency Contacts)

Can you help me contact my family back home?


I need to reach my embassy. Can you assist me in finding their contact information?


I lost my phone. Can I use yours to make an emergency call?



嗨,我是 Kei 景
